We finally have a new web-site established for the Mid-Florida RC Club. Well, almost. We currently are using the free web hosting service of WIX. Unfortunately the free service does not allow selection of the web address which is why the current address is somewhat cryptic. Once the club feels they can afford to PAY for the hosting service we will be able to assign a web address. In the mean time just bookmark this site and you can rename the bookmark to be more meaningful.
Couple of comments about the site.
1. The web-site is what we as a club make it. We have two sections that are perfect for capturing/sharing happenings at the field in addition to blog postings. Make an effort to capture photos and stories of happenings at the field and sent them my way (email address below). I will add them to the web-site.
2. Any ideas for changes/improvements should be sent my way. I'm willing to entertain changes to make things better.
3. The current site is a STARTING point. I expect that there will be a variety of changes in the future.
4. The web-site becomes the face of our club to outsiders. Lets make sure it represents us appropriately.
Happy Flying!
Chris Finn (chris.finn.cjf@gmail.com)